Were the words that his wife said to me.
After a long and courageous battle with ALS, Jim passed away this June 2. His ashes were being returned and were to be placed in this urn. This Riverine patio and garden are only one of the many things he would leave behind.
This Thursday's child has a long way to go on that score. I think Jim would have liked this resting place. Although it is summer this site has became a winter plateau for myself and brings back rich emotional poignancy. Some is painful, as were the last six months -- our lives were richly meshed and all that remains are echoing messages. Even the rocks that once proved so tiring are now part of the story. For someday ChungHe will also be gone and so will the rocks and I will remain.
and the snow will come
and filter over the footsteps left behind.
Herb Senft -- who continues to leave some rock offerings with every visit.